THESIS TITLE: THERAPEUTIC OUTCOMES IN PATIENTS WITH CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE IN CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE. PROBLEM STATEMENT: CKD is common in patients with heart failure, associated with high mortality and morbidity, which is even higher in people undergoing long-term dialysis. Despite increasing use of evidence-based drug and device therapy in patients with heart failure in the general population, patients with CKD have not benefitted AIM: MANAGING CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE. OBJECTIVES: 1. To study the cardiac changes and complications in patients with chronic kidney disease. 2. To improve outcomes in patients having heart failure with CKD. 3. Understanding development LV dysfunction. PATIENTS AND METHODS: PLACE OF STUDY: Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences and Hospital, Narketpally. STUDY PERIOD: November 2022 to October 2024. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective study. SAMPLE SIZE : 60. INCLUSION CRITERIA: The following criteria were used in the selectio