

This is an online Blog book to discuss our patients deidentified health data shared after taking his/ her guardians to sign an informed consent Here we discuss our patient problems through a series of inputs from the available Global online community of experts with n aim to solve those patient clinical problems with the current best evidence-based input This Blog also reflects my patient-centred online learning portfolio. Your valuable input on the comment box is welcome I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " Patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competence in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, and investigations and coming up with a diagnosis and treatment plan. DEIDENTIFIED DISCHARGE SUMMARY: Age/Gender 66 Years/Male Address Discharge Type: Relleved Admission Date: 04/11/2022 06:08 PM Diagnosis CKD ON MHD Case History and Clinical Findings CHIEF COMPLAINTS: C/O BIL PEDAL EDEMA SINCE


This is an online Blog book to discuss our patients deidentified health data shared after taking his/ her guardians to sign an informed consent Here we discuss our patient problems through a series of inputs from the available Global online community of experts with n aim to solve those patient clinical problems with the current best evidence-based input This Blog also reflects my patient-centred online learning portfolio. Your valuable input on the comment box is welcome I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " Patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competence in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, and investigations and coming up with a diagnosis and treatment plan. DEIDENTIFIED DISCHARGE SUMMARY Age/Gender : 40 Years/Male Address Discharge Type: Relieved Admission Date: 28/09/2022 02:14 PM Diagnosis CKD ON MHD Case History and Clinical Findings CHIEF COMPLAINTS-BILATERAL PEDAL EDEMA SIN


This is an online Blog book to discuss our patients deidentified health data shared after taking his/ her guardians to sign an informed consent Here we discuss our patient problems through a series of inputs from the available Global online community of experts with n aim to solve those patient clinical problems with the current best evidence-based input This Blog also reflects my patient-centred online learning portfolio. Your valuable input on the comment box is welcome I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " Patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competence in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, and investigations and coming up with a diagnosis and treatment plan. DEIDENTIFIED DISCHARGE SUMMARY Age Gender : 40 Years/Male Address Checharge Type: Relieved Admission Date: 20/03/2024 03:46 PM Name of Treating Faculty DR.SRIRAMULU HOD Diagnosis CKD ON MHD K/C/O HYPERTENSION Case History and
This is an online Blog book to discuss our patients deidentified health data shared after taking his/ her guardians to sign an informed consent Here we discuss our patient problems through a series of inputs from the available Global online community of experts with n aim to solve those patient clinical problems with the current best evidence-based input This Blog also reflects my patient-centred online learning portfolio. Your valuable input on the comment box is welcome I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " Patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competence in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, and investigations and coming up with a diagnosis and treatment plan. CONSENT AND DEIDENTIFICATION :  The patient and the attendees have been adequately informed about this documentation and the privacy of the patient is being entirely conserved. No identifiers shall be revealed throughout the

64 F altered sensorium, CKD on MHD, HFREF, Septic arthritis

This is an online Blog book to discuss our patients deidentified health data shared after taking his/ her guardians to sign an informed consent Here we discuss our patient problems through a series of inputs from the available Global online community of experts with n aim to solve those patient clinical problems with the current best evidence-based input This Blog also reflects my patient-centred online learning portfolio. Your valuable input on the comment box is welcome I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " Patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competence in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, and investigations and coming up with a diagnosis and treatment plan. CONSENT AND DEIDENTIFICATION :  The patient and the attendees have been adequately informed about this documentation and the privacy of the patient is being entirely conserved. No identifiers shall be revealed throughout the

41 M with Breathlessness ( CKD )

PRESENTING COMPLAINTS  A 41 year male clinically presented to nephrology opd with complaints of :  breathlessness of since a month Pedal edema since a month Anuria since a day. HOPI : A 41 year male clinically presented with complaints of breathlessness of grade III MMRC, insidious onset, gradually progressive,  not associated with seasonal and diurnal variation, not associated with orthopnea, postural nocturnal dyspnea and chest pain. History of grade II pedal edema since a month insidious onset and gradually progressive,  pitting type, not associated with local rise in temperature, and skin changes. History of anuria since a day. PAST ILLNESS :  History of bilateral knee Joint pains at the age of 8 years, patient sought for donsultation and started on NSAID, which he used for a year.  History of bilateral lowerlimb weakness for which he sought for consultation and was diagnosed with hypokalemia paralysis, that relieved after K+ correction.  He had complaints of Headache for which he
This is an online Blog book to discuss our patients deidentified health data shared after taking his/ her guardians to sign an informed consent Here we discuss our patient problems through a series of inputs from the available Global online community of experts with n aim to solve those patient clinical problems with the current best evidence-based input This Blog also reflects my patient-centred online learning portfolio. Your valuable input on the comment box is welcome I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " Patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competence in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, and investigations and coming up with a diagnosis and treatment plan. CONSENT AND DEIDENTIFICATION :  The patient and the attendees have been adequately informed about this documentation and the privacy of the patient is being entirely conserved. No identifiers shall be revealed throughout the